The flight...

This was posted late, BUT I wrote it on 6/15/19 as we were departing from Dulles to head out to Addis!

Currently sitting on the plane about to leave for Addis Ababa. I have so many questions running through my head but for once I’m actually genuinely excited. Obviously, I am so excited for my journey to a different part of the world, but I have only positive emotions at this point! One thing I really can’t wait to do is share my music. Music is such a pivotal piece of my identity and I can not wait to share that aspect of myself with those around me. One question that has haunted me is what am I going to do when things get hard? I have a lot of different solutions in my head but the one that I have constantly come back to is music; I have lived my life partially by the adage “when in doubt, dance it out” and I can’t imagine life in Ethiopia will be any different.
While we were in the air port checking our bags, an Ethiopian boy came up to us and asked “are you guys going camping in Ethiopia?” I laughed and said, “yeah but I’m moving there for a couple years to teach English.” His mom swiftly came over to me and said thank you for going. That was a weird but really rewarding interaction. On one hand, I have not even begun my journey and service. On the other hand, it is clear the gratitude that the people have for the Peace Corps. This interaction makes me so happy to be doing what I’m doing.
Yesterday I met everyone at staging, it was kind of like an orientation. It made me think back to my orientation at Colby-Sawyer, and the feelings I had. They were similar, I was scared and excited, but this journey will be something entirely different. Meeting everyone was very helpful, we all have the same concerns and worries and all came from such different places. There is one PCV that just got back from Albania less than a month ago; her stories and experience were priceless and she really helped me get through my stress and worries.
I am on my way to Ethiopia, and I couldn’t be more excited and happier with my choice!
Also, the plane has all of the Star Wars movies to watch, so if you know me at all, you’ll know what I’ll be doing for the flight!

Peace and Love


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